Wow, that headline was a tongue twisted to type let alone say, but it's the truth, and we're all about truth!
Our latest feature thriller RAGE has not even been released yet but has already racked up a dozen victories from various prestigious film festivals across the world.

To date, here is an up to date list:
Winner: Los Angeles Film Awards 2020 - Best Narrative Feature
Winner: Montreal Independent Film Festival 2020 - Best Director (John Balazs)
Winner: Montreal Independent Film Festival 2020 - Best Editing (John Balazs)
Winner: Oniros Film Awards 2020 (October) - Best Feature Film
Winner: Rome Prisma Independent Film Awards 2020 - Best Supporting Actor (Jasper Bagg)
Winner: Queen Palm International Film Festival 2020 (Gold Award) - Best Editor (John Balazs)
Winner: Queen Palm International Film Festival 2020 (Gold Award) - Best Feature - Mystery/Thriller
Winner: Queen Palm International Film Festival 2020 (4th Quarter Silver Award) - Best Actress (Hayley Beveridge)
Winner: Queen Palm International Film Festival 2020 (4th Quarter Silver Award) - Best Music - Feature Film (Kai Chen Lim)
Winner: Queen Palm International Film Festival 2020 (4th Quarter Bronze Award) - Best Colorist - Feature Film (John Balazs)
Winner: Queen Palm International Film Festival 2020 (4th Quarter Bronze Award) - Best Cinematography - Feature Film (Ben Luck)
As an added bonus, we were also nominated with an honourable mention for Best Producer at the Queen Palm International Film Festival 2020.
Just when we through we couldn't possibly top all of that, we just received notification from the Queen Palm International Film Festival in Palm Springs, California, that RAGE had now won yet another award, our first award for 2021 which takes the cake:
12. Winner: Queen Palm International Film Festival 2021(Annual Queen Supreme "Best of Fest" - Best Feature Mystery/Thriller

To say we are ecstatic is an understatement. With now a full dozen of victories received for our fantastic film, we are now even more excited for the upcoming release on February 23, 2021.
Stay tuned for pre-order details.